Sunday, June 8, 2014

Campfest 2014 will will be July 11th - 13th backfield 3

Campfest will will be July 11th - 13th at Branch Brook Campground ( in backfield 3 again.

Please check in and pay at the Office when you arrive.  I believe the rate for camping has gone up from $10.00/ night per person to $11.00. If you can't afford the extra dollar we will hold a fund raiser for you when you arrive.

Everyone is responsible for renting their own canoe/Kayak. Call Ski Fanatics (603-726-4327) and rent a canoe/Kayak or let them know you need to have your own shuttled up. The date for the river trip is Saturday July 12th for the 11:00 shuttle time to Robins Nest. Plan on getting to Ski Fanatics around 10:30 to check in and fill out her forms.

I am having a cord of fire wood delivered to the site so if everyone could kick in $5.00 a person when you see me I would appreciate it. 
As always, if you see someone that should have been on this email please let me know, or if you would like to be removed from this email list I can do that too.

Looking forward to seeing everyone.

