Happy Friday to you all! There has been some confusion about the date for this years campfest with July 4th being on a Wednesday. Campfest will be July 6th - 8th at Branch Brook Campground (http://www.campnh.com/) in backfield 3 again.
Please check in and pay at the Office when you arrive. The camp site fee is $10 per night per person.
Everyone is responsible for renting their own canoe/Kayak. Call Ski Fanatics (603-726-4327) and rent a canoe/Kayak or let them know you need to have your own shuttled up. The date for the river trip is Saturday July 7th for the 11:00 shuttle time to Robins Nest. Plan on getting to Ski Fanatics around 10:30 to check in and fill out her forms.
I am having a cord of fire wood delivered to the site so if everyone could kick in $5.00 a person when you see me I would appreciate it.
Please visit the Campfest Website that Alex did for us at : http://www.campfestnh.com/ (Thanks Alex !!!! )
As always, if you see someone that should have been on this email please let me know, or if you would like to be removed from this email list I can do that too.
Looking forward to seeing everyone. Hopefully DJ jazzy Nung will return with his latest fire dance hits and laser show